How far along?: 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I lost count all together from the downs and ups, but I only gained one pound since my last appt....2 months ago!!! He's so good to me.
Maternity clothes?: I bought a cute maternity dress, tank top, and jacket from Target. Jacket was on sale for $12 bucks (what a steal) and the other was for my interview and I got the job, so must've looked nice! I must say $25 for some rouching on the side of a tank top is way too much!
Stretch marks?: Yes, unfortunately. But I have seen worse!
Sleep: I have a lot of pressure on my chest lately, but bearable.
Best moment this week: Seeing my little man!!
Food cravings: Applesauce, fruit
Gender: My baby boy
Labor Signs: None that I know of
Belly Button in or out?: In
What I miss: Not getting out of breath
What I am looking forward to: 4D pics to see my baby
Weekly Wisdom: “If we fill our hours with regrets over the failures of yesterday, and with worries over the problems of tomorrow, we have no today in which to be thankful”, “Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude.”
Milestones: Not sure :-)
This has been an emotional week for me, so I am going to just write about the good things because it is easier. We went and saw Dr. Carter on 1/20/10 and it was a very exciting appointment! My sister got to see her big nephew! He looks wonderful (See pictures below)!

He is going to be the most beautiful baby EVER! I am not sure if I mentioned it in my blog before but I am now safely away from placental previa! The placenta has moved 2cm away from the opening and I am no longer in need of a definite C-Section! I was able to ask the doctor about the painful and scary heat murmurs I have been having and he said it is normal due to the increase in blood volume and flow in my body. Still freaky. I am finding it harder to breathe in general these days. It's like I have a boulder on my chest, but I try to keep in mind it just means he is growing to a healthy weight! Getting out of breath frequently is also hard, but luckily I have been able to take it easy. I haven't really been able to make any purchases, but I have picked out the car seat I want. It isn't very cute, but it will match my car and it is ranked number one in safety by Consumer Reports and it is convertible which I really want.

Anyway, I am so thankful to Ben for giving me my son, I am falling in love with him so fast! I just can't wait to see him, he moves so much now and it reminds me how much I want to hold him!