It has been awhile since I have written. I have been extremely busy. I am almost 25 weeks!! Only two more weeks and then only one trimester left! The next doctor's appointment is only 6 days away, finally! I cannot wait to see him again. I am more reassured now though because he moves A LOT these days. The most touching thing is now Ben is able to feel him kick. I hope that makes him feel more connected with him. I know it makes me feel more connected as a family. We also painted the nursery!! We have to get the supplies to paint the music staff, but it is on it's way! The new carpet is also supposed to be installed tomorrow, which is extremely exciting! It is super soft and pretty. He was able to talk me into the brown, but I am really happy with our choices. I will post some pictures of the work in progress when that is done. Also, the rest of the bedding came in and the crib as well! The box was huge and we had to take it out of the box, so here is a picture (sorry about the bubble wrap blur):

So, about me, I have been growing. I am using the bathroom a lot more.... that's always fun. I have a hard time shaving and difficulties getting up sometimes, but I am still doing alright physically. Emotionally, I am a freaking roller coaster. I am very sensitive and I can get mad and sad very easily. All the stress that has been piled on top of me lately probably doesn't help either. I am just trying to persevere! I was trying to stop cussing as much, but that isn't working out as of lately. I'll just be happy when I am back to normal with my emotions!

And just a few small, recent purchases:
A cute baby book from Daddy:

And the cutest suit outfit ever from Joel:

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