You are getting so big, so quickly! I am amazed by how much you grow and change every single day. I remember the doctor handing you to me and how much love I felt instantly and now you're already starting to learn to do things on your own. Being your mommy these past 5 months have meant more to me than anything in my 24 years of life so far. I still look at you and wonder how your father and I made someone so absolutely perfect. There are so many precious memories I will never forget... the smile you flash when you first wake up in the morning and see me, the little sighs you make while you're feeding, your little laugh. It doesn't matter what is going on or how bad my day is, all I need is your little smile and some snuggle time with you and I feel like queen of the world. I am so blessed you came into my life, you are the biggest gift and you mean more to me than you will ever know. I am looking forward to so many things coming up, your first holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas), the first time you crawl, the first time you speak. I just want to pause time and savor every minute, but I want to see you grow into a wonderful little boy and hear you tell me you love me. I strive everyday to be the best mommy for you. I will always be there for you and you will always be able to come to me with anything and count on me to be your number one fan. If I could give you anything in the universe, I would. You are my whole world. I love you, Liam Michael, with everything I am and more.
Love you always,
The Luckiest Mommy Alive (Yours)