Length/Height-25 1/2, its sorta hard to read, but I think that's what it says
Weight-18 lbs. 2 oz.!!
Four months already!! Man time is flying!! The doctor recommended we start introducing Liam to some juice, but he can't stand it! It's hard enough for me to get him to eat breastmilk from a bottle, let alone juice. I even tried adding the handles so he can control it himself, but he hates it. I am also beating myself up over Liam's weight. He is such a big boy! The doctor says I shouldn't worry right now, but he's growing out of clothes so quickly and I really don't want him to have a weight problem.

**What Liam is Doing**
He is now picking up toys from the table or floor, or grabbing them from your hand. I always have to wear my hair up now because he grabs that also! He can "stand" really well now too, he loves standing in mama's lap to talk. He has gotten much strong when he sits, he can hold himself for about 10 seconds, then he topples over, but soon he will have it! He also has discovered his feet. He loves pulling off his socks and grabbing his feet. Everyday he is learning something new, and I can't keep up with him!
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