Ok, not quite. But as I have written in my previous blogs, Liam refused juice of any kind. But.....
drum roll, please......Liam drank apple juice today!! I followed the baby books and gave him room temperature apple juice out of the fancy schmancy Avent transition sippy with the handles or good ol' bottle, but he always pursed his lips and refused. But today, my baby finally drank apple juice out of a cold, no-name brand dollar store sippy! I am beginning to wonder if I am going about this whole motherhood thing wrong. Kids don't really care if it is top of the line, right? Maybe I will start shopping more bargains and now that Liam isn't so "fragile" I am sure it will be okay. I am so proud of him!! This accomplishment is even sweeter because Liam felt so crappy today. I guess this date has got to go in the baby book! <3
Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin patch in Prescott, AZ to pick out our pumpkin to carve for the Halloween season. It is going to be such a blast!
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