Friday, December 17, 2010

Liam Meets Santa Claus

This week I took Liam to meet Santa Claus for the first time. His "Auntie" Elena got to come with us and it was a good thing too because he was C-R-A-N-K-Y. Poor little baby's cold is still bothering him, plus I think he is teething again one or two teeth on the top front. But I am pleasantly surprised because even though he didn't smile he wasn't crying or screaming either, which is an accomplishment for a baby! Has anyone ever taken a poll on how many babies cry/scream their first time sitting on Santa's lap? Let's do one!
Did your baby cry when they met Santa?
No free polls
Onto the pictures of Liam:

Liam and Santa

"I would like a Spongebob and lots of toys"

Mommy and Liam Michael

Liam and "Auntie" Elena


Shirley said...

Liam is seriously in the top 5 cutest kids of all time!

Mama Katie said...

I thought so too, but I figured I am kinda bias lol. How you feeling?

Ashley said...

oh my goodness!! How frickin cute :) I love the pictures with Liam and Santa (esp. the one that they are looking at each other).

<3 Ash