In other news, I talked to my admissions representative for ASU and I almost crapped my pants at the cost of tuition. $325/credit hour and that's for online! If you attend ground classes it is $625/credit hour! It's insane. And what's dumb about the whole thing is the job market is so bad right now people who have a BA, BS, etc. don't get jobs making enough to even afford to pay back their student loans. I know the government is looking into this issue, but not fast enough. It is ridiculous. But I want a valulable education from a University (not of Phoenix), so I guess I'll have to eat the cost. Another thing I am worried about is what classes will actually transfer. If it is not all 60 credits, ok, fine, but if they want me to practically start all the way over I don't know what I am going to do. I want to get this done as quickly as possible, so I will probably be taking 18 credits a semester, which breaks down to 3 classes for the first 7 weeks of the semester and 3 classes the second 7 weeks of the semester. Plus summer school and not taking a winter break, since I am used to school all year round, anyway. It is going to be a lot, but I am not getting any younger and I still have a lot of school to go to end up where I want to be, so its a necessity.
Anyway, I'll get off my soap box for the day. Also, FYI, I am enjoying reading about everyone's Christmas holiday and seeing pictures, I just haven't had time to comment on each post. I'm sorry!
sounds about right. the tuition i mean. i think i owe around 30k or more by now. and i still have at least a yr to go. =/ im so proud of u! hard work & dedication is the key to success! u can do it!
Congrats on getting your Associates degree! That is so exciting. I hope your other classes transfer. I hated that when I transferred to get my BA that they didn't except a couple of classes. But they did accept my 60 credits. And I know about getting a job with a BA making hardly any money, I'm thinking I'm going to have to just take a minimal wage job. I am hoping that the economy picks up very, VERY soon! And I hope that you don't have to face any of those problems.
<3 Ash
Thanks Susan! We can both go to games with the rowdy students soon! Hot boy hunting.....
Thanks Ash!! I hope you get outta the slump too! I have so many friends in the same hole right now...
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