How far along?: 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Last dr appt. +3, so still -2 all together.
Maternity clothes?: my new favorite place is Goodwill. Why buy clothes that won’t fit next week?
Stretch marks?: I think there is the start of one new one. Makes me mad!
Sleep: About the same. He seems to move a lot in the night time.
Best moment this week: Receiving the nursery accessories, fixing things with Ben.
Movement: Lots of it these days!
Food cravings: Pollo fundido. My appetite has definitely increased A LOT.
Gender: My baby boy
Labor Signs: None that I know of
Belly Button in or out?: Still innie, flattening though
What I miss: Wine, sleeping on my tummy
What I am looking forward to: Getting more stuff for the baby and my ultrasound on 1/20/09
Weekly Wisdom: “It will all work out in the end, if it’s not working out, it isn’t the end.”
Milestones: The youngest baby to survive was born at 22 weeks, less stress now!