Total weight gain/loss: Last dr appt. +1
Maternity clothes?: None this week, however I did get an outfit for the zoo (Large from Forever 21)
Stretch marks?: I just discovered about 3 at the top of my belly :-( More Palmers.
Sleep: Usually only have to get up once a night, but I can only sleep on my sides and it leaves me really sore.
Best moment this week: My babes and I making progress on nursery decisions!
Movement: I think I am feeling it, butterflies and churning.
Food cravings: Nothing spectacular, just MORE food, my stomach acid starts up one hour after eating
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: None that I know of
Belly Button in or out?: Still innie, but its starting to feel funny
What I miss: SUSHI, Non-stretch top pants
What I am looking forward to: Dr. appt 12/23/09, starting the nursery hopefully
Weekly Wisdom: I'm not on sock duty.
Milestones: I'm halfway there!!
By the way, I have found the coolest website for nursery ideas, Project Nursery

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