This is now the second time I am being faced with this...this....I don't know what to call this. I understand that men maybe do not understand what it is like to be a parent until they can hold their son, but it is really sad they think they have a choice being a father. Once that child is conceived there is no going back and your life is completely changed. I will
never understand, nor be able to jusitify a parent abandoning their family, especially their child. Women, on the other hand, besides adoption, do not have a choice of walking away. I think God gave this characteristic to women because we are the only ones strong enough to handle it. I have known and still know many single mothers. I commend these women for holding it together for themselves and their children and providing for their child when no one else is. I can only imagine how hard and extremely tiring it must be balancing all the aspects of their lives. But what I can imagine, and what I am excited for, is looking in my son's eyes and being able to say I will
always be here for you and no matter what I am the one you can always count on. All of the things that his father will be missing out on because he chose to walk away, I will see. His first steps, his first words, his first day of school. So many things that I wanted to share in as a family, but you cannot change someone or make them want their family. Every time I look at my son I will think of his father and how much I love him, but I will be the one who has it all. It is going to be a very long, painful and difficult road, but we will get through it. I am really glad we have a wonderful family and I have lots of friends who will support us. I feel really terrible that my son will not have a father and there are many things that I feel he could have shared, but there are a lot of wonderful male rolemodels that will be in his life and be there for him when his father decided he didn't want to. So, today is day one. My journey on being a single mother. It's just me and you kid. Well and Fawna :-) So my plan for this week is get through a miserable Christmas, sign up for prenatal yoga with my sister
(shoutout) at
Joyful Yoga Studio, start doing lap swims at McDowell Mountain Ranch Aquatic Center
(shoutout to Elena for telling me about it) and register for birthing classes. I think I can, I think I can.....
What a beautiful blog. I think you will be a great mom. You do have many friends and family to support you
I love you and so does everyone in the family, we are blessed. Being a single mom is one of the hardest, yet easiest things that is a blessing in disguise. The child will take out all of their emotions, up, down, happy, sad, and anger out on the closet thing to them and it will be the single mom. The best thing is when they are a teen and they want to snuggle because you are, were, and always have been there for them. Even when things get tough and seemingly impossible you still go because you love them more than anything in the world! The single mom gets to have all the joy!
Love you very much my beautiful cousin you are strong!!!!
It's it true about what they say; that mothers have a bond with the baby sooner than the father. But the bond between my kids and I kicked in when I first heard the heartbeat and even more when I felt them kick for the first time. Then I saw their little faces. I grew up with a single mother who fought through everything to make sure there was food in our tummies and clothing on our backs. YOU are a strong woman and you will get through this. You have plenty of people that support and love you both. Baby boy will have plenty of father figures. Love ya, babe.
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