How far along?: 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I was the same as my last dr. appt when I went to the Wic office
Maternity clothes?: Yes I got three shirts from Wally World
Stretch marks?: Yes, I hate them.
Sleep: Bad insomnia. My sleep schedule is so messed up.
Best moment this week: Got my kiddo's car seat
Food cravings: Nothing really new
Gender: My baby boy
Labor Signs: I have started cramping once in a while
Belly Button in or out?: In
What I miss: Cycling
What I am looking forward to: Moving, baby shower
Weekly Wisdom: "If he is stupid enough to walk away, be smart enough to let him go"
Milestones: Meh, getting through this stupid holiday
Also want to say one of the biggest supporters of my pregnancy and one of the coolest girls ever had her birthday this weekend.

oh i like this picture of us!
Me too! Good lookin' ladies ;-)
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