"If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors. All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body. You are the continuation of each of these people.”

"Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts."

"Families are the compass that guide us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter."

"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist."

If there is one virtue I want to instill in my son, it is the importance of family. When I reflect on my life the most meaningful and cherished memories I have are with my family. Not everyone is as lucky to have a tight-knit family like ours. Though we aren't as close as we would like to be anymore, the love still remains strong, even miles apart. I know when times get hard I can call my Aunt Leen or drive down to my Aunt Cathy's. Some people go days, weeks, years without speaking to their family and for them I feel very sad. Missing out on the love of a family is one of life's tragedies. Sure, sometimes families disagree or fight, but to disown yourself or your family is not an option in my eyes. Families stand by eachother through thick and thin, even when it seems unbearable. At least my family does and for that I consider myself very lucky. My grandparents were my angels and now they truly are, my mom is one of my best friends and I know there is not a single relative I couldn't turn to. That is what I want for my son. I want him to know that no matter what happens in his life there will always be this unit to love him and support him, unconditionally. If that can only be mommy's side of the family, so be it. We have enough people and enough love to last him a lifetime. But no matter what, just like the quote said, we cannot change where we come from and it will forever be a part of us. He will always be an Apuan and I am sad he will not know his history. His great grandfather just died (Don't ask how I know that, its semi-stalkerish :-))and it rips me apart to know he will never know where he came from and have even more people he can turn to. Unfortunately, that is something I am unable to change. All I can do is show him and teach him how I was raised by my grandparents, parents, and family. It takes a village to raise a child. Everything I know and everything I am is because of them. Each moment in life is precious and we should never take it forgranted because you never know how fast it can be taken away. If I died in childbirth I would know I leave behind wonderful memories and an amazing family to raise my son and I could go be with more of my amazing family who has gone before me. There are a lot of people who can't say that. To all of my family, thank you and I love you. To my son, I love you more than you know.

1 comment:
Beautiful, and full of love, we love you. mom
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