Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Mama Gets Cracked
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Products this Madre Loves (Bath and Body Edition)
I use this product as my every day face wash. I use it to remove makeup and everything, it is so easy on the skin and leaves it feeling smooth and soft.
Artec Kiwi Color Reflector Shampoo & Conditioner
My hair stylist recommended this set to me about a year or two ago and I haven't changed. It helps with color treated hair and it smells yummy!
St. Ives Apricot Scrub
OMG I love this stuff. Now its a little harsh on your skin (since its a scrub) so I definitely wouldn't recommend using it every day because it will dry you out. I rarely get any blemishes or blackheads and I swear this is the major reason. I also use it on the backs of my arms if I get any little bumps, it smoothes it right back out. It doesn't smell the best and its not soft, but it works so that's what matters to me.
Clairol Shimmer LightsI just started using this stuff a couple months of ago when I started going lighter with my highlights again. Let me just tell you this stuff STINKS. It's definitely not a product you want to use before a hot date or anything. But it is really good at taking out that brassy/coppery undertones when dark haired people try to go light. Also should mention it is not an every day use shampoo.
Warm Vanilla Sugar Shower Cream
This is only the current smell I am using, but I love all of the Bath and Body Works shower creams. It leaves your skin really soft and all of the scents are amazing!
Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sleep Warm Milk and Honey
I love baths. I try to take a nice relaxing bath at least every two days. This was a Christmas present from my mommy and I love it. It produces just a little bit of bubbles and foam, but it relaxes you (somehow) and makes you sooooo soft. It's great to use before crawling into bed!
**Oh and by the way, I am not getting paid for any of this. I honestly just like these products**
Please share what products work and don't work for you!!
Monday, January 24, 2011
When the Grass Isn't So Green
Ok....most of the time I don't mind being a single mother. It definitely has its hardships, but its worth every minute. What I am having a hard time with is dealing with shared custody. It is supposed to get easier as we go, but it isn't. HE was so cruel and uncaring during my pregnancy. When I think back on the beginning of the "custody battle" (it really wasn't a battle) I was just so terrified a judge/the courts were going to rip this precious little joy out of my hands 50% of the time that I gave in too easily. Someone who completely ignores the person carrying his child for weeks, months on end (even with pleas about our unborn child) is not ready to have responsibility for that unborn person. Not to mention not getting a license or cleaning his house until I had to throw a fit. Don't get me wrong, I would never take Liam's father away, I was always okay with parenting time, but if he ever attempts to take me to court again, I will fight for full custody. I have to tell him when and how to feed him...9 months later.... change his diaper more than every 4 hours, lots of things he should already know. He doesn't pitch in with formula or food or toys. He thinks his life is the only one that counts (no change from pre-Liam) and always disrespects me. His "I'll do what I want, when I want and I don't care who it affects" mentality is really starting put me at my breaking point. I know this is a shallow rant because I really shouldn't get into too much detail, but it is really getting to me. I just wish he was completely out of my life, period, but then I look at those big blue-gray eyes and that half toothless grin and I remember that everything I do is for him. So I'll deal. But it really weighs me down. Does anyone have input on ways to cope with shared custody with someone you
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
9 Months
Length/Height: 27 1/4, 25th percentile (short baby, so far)
Head: 18, 65th percentile
Weight: 19 lbs 7 oz., 45th percentile
Size 3 diapers
Some 3-6, but mostly 6-9 months clothing
Size 3-4 shoes (Liam hates shoes, like his mommy)
**What Liam is Doing**
- Pull himself from laying to sitting
- Full on crawling now
- Pull himself up to a standing position
- Eating a lot more "big people food"
- Trying to talk, can repeat wa, wa for water and he seems to know ba, ba for bottle really well
- Drinks all his "milk" through a bottle now, no more breastfeeding
- Walks along the couch, while holding on
- Getting 4 more teeth on top
- Laughs a lot
- Tries to sing to certain TV show theme songs (like SpongeBob)
- Gets very excited when you say its bathtime
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Fish or No Fish
Anyway, below is my new read. Well new to me. It's from the non-fiction side, yay me! It will have a review up soon. Which reminds me I skipped a review on my last book. No bueno.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Adventures With Mommy and Grandma
The above pictures were taken when Grandma came down for a couple of days this weekend. We had a nice relaxing time.
I have been slacking on the blogging, same old story. I think part of the reason is that there is so much I don't share with. I don't want my blog to be a fake, or a false representation of our reality, but the world wide web is a big place and I don't want a bunch of my business floating around. So I am going to try talking about something that has been bothering me lately. Age. I am 24, which I am aware is young, but lately I have felt I am about over the hill. All of a sudden I feel like the fact that I am a single is looming over me. I have lots of time to find the *perfect man* for me. I think the whole 2012 end of the world thing is making it worse. I don't want to be alone (in love) when the world comes to an end. But I refuse to settle. I have also put myself in a position which is almost completely impossible to date. Even if I had the time. I put up these walls and frankly, I have issues. I don't think I am quite 100% ready to be in a realationship anyway, but it does get lonely. Anyway, I am not ready to say much more right now. Maybe I should make my blog private? But I love the blogging community and people being able to find me....things to contemplate.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Our New Years 2011 and Other News
New Years Day was a busy, fun day for Liam and I. My cousin got married at the Pioneer Living History Museum and I was able to get part of the day off from work so we could attend. We got to see some of the family that we don't get to often and some were finally able to meet my munchkin. He behaved so well for being out so long without a nap. It was a cute little venue and a nice ceremony (minus some behind the scenes drama, which is always true with family events). If you live in Arizona, it would be a nice little day adventure for the family. By the way, if you don't see the pictures of you from the wedding do not be upset, you can find them all on Facebook, but I am really trying to stop posting 5.6 bijillion pictures in every post. My cousin looks so happy and I am glad he found someone to spend the rest of his life with!
Next. I really need to stop switching schools because ordering transcripts is a nightmare. Me and my.maricopa.edu finally settled our beef (after multiple conversations w/ the helpdesk) and I was able to order the rest of my transcripts. So unless I am forgetting a school (and w/ the ridiculousness that is the amount of schools I have attended, it is possible) I am done ordering all of my transcripts! Now we just have to wait for ASU to evaluate all of my credits and pray they transfer most of them. I already have my football game pal and #1 supporter...
Liam is going to have to start attending school (its a much better word than daycare) one day a week starting next Friday. I am literally freaking out about it. I know, it's silly, its one day for a couple of hours, but this is the first time complete strangers will be watching my child. Most "schools" only do week rates, not day rates, but KinderCare does daily rates. So ppppuuuhhh-lllleeasssee if you have had any experience with this instituion let me know!! I have to admit, I am a tad bit excited about Liam getting time with other children though. I love taking care of him, but I don't want his social skills to fall behind. I think it will be a good experience and everything will be fine....once I get past the first couple of days.
Lastly, I joined MBC last weekish and I have had such great results connecting with other moms already! I am so pleasantly surprised. I usually get my updates about comments and such for Blogger and MBC on my phone, so if I don't respond right away or sometimes at all (BAD BAD BAD), I just want you to know I am glad you're here and I definitely try to return comment favors and follow favors. I will try to get better!
Anyway, I should try to get something to eat before Liam wakes up from his nap. Have a good day and happy blogging!