Length/Height: 27 1/4, 25th percentile (short baby, so far)
Head: 18, 65th percentile
Weight: 19 lbs 7 oz., 45th percentile
Size 3 diapers
Some 3-6, but mostly 6-9 months clothing
Size 3-4 shoes (Liam hates shoes, like his mommy)
**What Liam is Doing**
- Pull himself from laying to sitting
- Full on crawling now
- Pull himself up to a standing position
- Eating a lot more "big people food"
- Trying to talk, can repeat wa, wa for water and he seems to know ba, ba for bottle really well
- Drinks all his "milk" through a bottle now, no more breastfeeding
- Walks along the couch, while holding on
- Getting 4 more teeth on top
- Laughs a lot
- Tries to sing to certain TV show theme songs (like SpongeBob)
- Gets very excited when you say its bathtime

I love it when babies laugh! He's looking healthy and happy! :)
Aww his getting so big. Looks like he liked daycare.
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