The above pictures were taken when Grandma came down for a couple of days this weekend. We had a nice relaxing time.
I have been slacking on the blogging, same old story. I think part of the reason is that there is so much I don't share with. I don't want my blog to be a fake, or a false representation of our reality, but the world wide web is a big place and I don't want a bunch of my business floating around. So I am going to try talking about something that has been bothering me lately. Age. I am 24, which I am aware is young, but lately I have felt I am about over the hill. All of a sudden I feel like the fact that I am a single is looming over me. I have lots of time to find the *perfect man* for me. I think the whole 2012 end of the world thing is making it worse. I don't want to be alone (in love) when the world comes to an end. But I refuse to settle. I have also put myself in a position which is almost completely impossible to date. Even if I had the time. I put up these walls and frankly, I have issues. I don't think I am quite 100% ready to be in a realationship anyway, but it does get lonely. Anyway, I am not ready to say much more right now. Maybe I should make my blog private? But I love the blogging community and people being able to find me....things to contemplate.
I have contemplated the same thing, numerous times (about making my blog private). I've toyed with it a few times ... I have yet to do it. I wish there was a way to make it so that only certain people could follow your blog, but then I think some of the best people in my life right now are from the blogworld; how would I have "met" them?? Decisions. Decisions!
The 2012 thing is scary..especially if you;re single. But I dont really give into it...looks like Liam had fun!
Thanks guys! And I agree we should be able to block certain people or have the option to allow only certain users to view. Oh well. I haven't had any negative comments or anything like that so I am good for now! Yeah I try not to buy into the 2012 thing because I don't want to think about not seeing Liam grow up!
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