Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6 (ish) Month Doctor's Appointment and Stats

So we were a tad bit late taking Liam for his 6 month doctor appointment and I definitely heard about it from Dr. Reznick. I like the old man, but he is stuck in his methods and sometimes I am not sure I agree with everything he says or recommends. But he works for now. Anyone in the Phoenix Metro area have any suggestions on great pediatricians? Anyway, on to my cutie patootie.

6 (ish) Months:
Length/Height- 26 1/2, 30th percentile (please don't be short like mama)
Head: 17 3/4, 75th percentile (lots of brains)
Weight: 18 lbs 12.8 oz., 50th percentile (definitely NOT what I expected)
Size 3 diapers
3-6 & 6-9 months clothing
Size 2-3 shoes, depending

Liam had four vaccinations done today. He finished the series of Rotavirus, and had IPV, TB, and Hep B. He actually wasn't too upset today, but he had a looonnnnggg nap in the afternoon. That was nice for mommy because I had a terrible headache, so I got some rest too.

**What Liam is doing**
  • Sitting unassisted for long periods of time
  • Rolling over from stomach to back and vice versa like a pro
  • Scooting like his diaper is on fire
  • Growing two teeth
  • Eating pretty much all 1st stage solids and some snacks
  • Supporting more weight on legs while being held
  • Trying to pull himself up on things
  • "Talking" a lot, no words yet
  • "Blowing raspberries" like crazy
  • Smiling and laughing all the time (especially when tickled or played with)
  • Extends arms to be picked up
  • Loves playing with his toys in the bathtub
  • Probably a bunch more, but I can't think of any more right now hehe

  • I shot a couple of pictures at the doctor's office today. He is so gorgeous!

    Happy Blogging!


    Ashley said...

    he is soooooo adorable!! :0) I love the timeline and all the updates.

    <3 Ash

    Melissa said...

    he is such a cutie!!! :) you have a very healthy adorable little boy on your hands!