So we were a tad bit late taking Liam for his 6 month doctor appointment and I definitely heard about it from Dr. Reznick. I like the old man, but he is stuck in his methods and sometimes I am not sure I agree with everything he says or recommends. But he works for now. Anyone in the Phoenix Metro area have any suggestions on
great pediatricians? Anyway, on to my cutie patootie.
6 (ish) Months:Length/Height- 26 1/2, 30th percentile (please don't be short like mama)
Head: 17 3/4, 75th percentile (lots of brains)
Weight: 18 lbs 12.8 oz., 50th percentile (definitely NOT what I expected)
Size 3 diapers
3-6 & 6-9 months clothing
Size 2-3 shoes, depending
Liam had four vaccinations done today. He finished the series of Rotavirus, and had IPV, TB, and Hep B. He actually wasn't too upset today, but he had a looonnnnggg nap in the afternoon. That was nice for mommy because I had a terrible headache, so I got some rest too.
**What Liam is doing**Sitting unassisted for long periods of timeRolling over from stomach to back and vice versa like a proScooting like his diaper is on fireGrowing two teethEating pretty much all 1st stage solids and some snacksSupporting more weight on legs while being heldTrying to pull himself up on things"Talking" a lot, no words yet"Blowing raspberries" like crazySmiling and laughing all the time (especially when tickled or played with)Extends arms to be picked upLoves playing with his toys in the bathtubProbably a bunch more, but I can't think of any more right now heheI shot a couple of pictures at the doctor's office today. He is so gorgeous!

Happy Blogging!
he is soooooo adorable!! :0) I love the timeline and all the updates.
<3 Ash
he is such a cutie!!! :) you have a very healthy adorable little boy on your hands!
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