This weekend was full of ups and downs. Let me give a little bit of background information. Right now, the bbdd, Ben, gets Liam two times a week, Friday and Saturday for 6 hours each day. Friday I informed Ben that Liam was starting to eat more solid foods and he would need to get a highchair and feeding utensils (spoons, bowls) for him. I told him that he should just get rice cereal and oatmeal for now to avoid any allergy confusion with mixing new foods. I also told him that in addition to solids, he still needs to eat 3-4 ounces of formula as well. On my way home I received a text asking if he should run out and get those things today or if he could wait until later. I responded saying "I fed him enough this morning so he should be okay without you running to the store". Keep this in mind. It will make sense later. So I went to a nice lunch with one of the greatest guys I know and let Ben keep Liam for an additional 30 minutes. It was one of the first times Ben had him where I didn't stare at the clock and worry. Big mistake. When I looked at the charting sheet for Liam I didn't see a time listed for feeding. He usually only feeds him once while he has him so I thought he forgot. I asked him when he fed him and he said "I didn't." I was like "exxxxcccuuuusssseee me? You had him for about 7 hours and you didn't feed him"??? And you know what he says?.... "You told me not to". Now why would I say don't feed Liam if you have him for 7 hours and you know he eats every 3, usually. And wouldn't you at least think to call and ask or text and confirm "its been awhile, are you sure I didn't misunderstand you". Then he tries to blame it on me and adds "he doesn't like formula anyway". So what, you just aren't going to feed him? Then because he got fussy (cuz the poor child was hungry) he gave him Tylenol. On an empty stomach. I was $*#%&@! p.o.'ed. I just left without saying goodbye. I am like where is the common sense? I felt so bad. Now I realize he isn't going to starve to death or anything, but I just question his capability of taking care of Liam alone. This hasn't been the only thing either. I constantly have to remind Ben that 4-5 hours is not an acceptable wait time to change Liam's diaper. Its just all of this adds up and makes me extremely worried to let him have him unsupervised. I am not sure what to do about that whole mess.
So Saturday I got into it with Ben again over money he owes me for his share of Liam's out of pocket medical expenses. He thinks I am made of money and I should cover it all in full and he can pay little bits at a time. If it wasn't for me, and the help of my family, Liam wouldn't be able to go to his doctor's appointment Wednesday, which would leave him behind on his shots. Plus all of the bills that have only been partially paid would be held against me, and on my credit if it is sent to collections. That really irks me because he gets the rights and not the responsibilities. I am not rolling like that for the next 18 years.
ANYWAY! Saturday was nice because I kept Liam. Let Ben stew over not feeding his child and his blase response to it. So Liam and I went with Joel to the Desert Botanical Garden. It was a beautiful day out and even though I am a native, I don't recall ever going there. Probably because my dad no doubt said "If you want to look at cacti, just go outside, you don't need to pay for it". Lol. We definitely enjoyed ourselves and got a few good pictures.
I probably would have freaked out a lot worse than you did.
Trust me I wanted to! But I am trying to be careful because I would like to stay out of court and the date isn't until December, so I am just biting my tongue and biding my time.
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