***OMG!! GASP*** Yes, its bread (insert dramatic music). Tsk Tsk. Ok people, get over it. I can't live without some carbs and its not as bad as it seems. The slices are a little smaller than normal bread, but they are only 40 calories a slice. Pop some tuna on those babies and you have a quite healthy and fulfilling meal. Another classic favorite, popcorn. My new favorite:

Holy moly thats a big picture, oh well. I don't want to reupload. Talk about lazy (thats some foreshadowing for my next topic). Now its got a few more calories than SmartPop or plain popcorn, but its worth it. The flavor rocks. Its almost like eating chips, but way less guilty. Plus, popcorn fills me up.
What I need to stop is being a lazy bum. Before Liam was born I loved exercising, mostly cycling, but I ate whatever I wanted. Didn't help. Now I can't get my butt up to exercise. GRRR... I know the hardest is just the first couple of weeks and once you get into the routine of the new lifestyle its easy, but man that hump is killing me. Now, I could sit here and rattle off a whole bunch of excuses, but that's exactly what they are, excuses. I could walk, I could run, I could do Wii Active, but instead, here I sit typing a blog. I guess I could blame you guys?! Ha. Starting tomorrow, dagnamit, I am going to work out, even if its just walking around the park.
So there is my update. I think I can, I think I can.......
And just because he is too cute to not mention:

He sure loves shoving that thing in his mouth. There is no proof that Liam is still in his pajamas at noon, thank you very much.
Good luck on your weight loss!
One of my best tricks of getting in shape is becoming strictly vegan for some time. It forces you to eat only veggies, fruits and whole grains (bc if you're gonna be vegan you might as well eat healthy carbs). Weight comes off so easily and you can't cheat cuz, well, you won't be "vegan" if you do. I never had a weight problem but that's how my husband got in shape after being 30 pounds overweight for 7 years of our marriage.
Exercise only takes weight loss so far and the rest is calories in calories our and those calories have to be nutritional because otherwise our body will think we r starving it and will convert everything to fat.
Good luck!
P.s I love eating whole wheat low calorie bread. I usually make veggie burgers on them.
Liam is such a cutie puhtootie. :)
And I would def. tell you not to deprive yourself of carbs. I did it for a whole week when we were doing P90X. I only lasted a week because I was depriving myself of all the food that I loved. And when I stopped doing P90X (the next week) I felt like I had to have carbs more than ever. They are addicting. :) I'm sure you'll get back to the grind of doing things. I'm still in a funk of being a lazy bum. Ha. And that popcorn looks yummy. We might just have to try it!
<3 Ash
Thanks ladies! I am now subscribed E! I have thought about the vegan way, but I am afraid I'll overload on carbs (pasta and tortillas lol)! Maybe I should though. I am normally so bad at buying fresh and eating it all before it goes bad. I hate grocery shopping more than once a month! UGH. I just bought some meatless burgers, I haven't tried them yet. Kinda scared!! And Ash P90X is INSANE!! I tried but couldn't do it!
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