Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Thank you to all our service men and women who have given their lives to fight for our country, lifestyle and most importantly, our freedom. Thank you to all of the service men and women who continue to fight the fight and risk their lives every day in the name of the United States and its' citizens. A special thanks to my grandpa, daddy, uncles and brother, among the many, who served in wars, which has allowed Liam and I to lead a life of freedom, with its many blessings. I hope we all remember the sacrifices they made and continue to make and never take advantage of the things we have that other countries do not. What does Veterans day mean to you? I hope not another excuse for a day off.

I promised before and after pictures of the filing cabinet/paperwork organization projects, but I spaced on the before! I did shoot a few of the after, I apologize for the darkness, I didn't finish until late!

Still don't like the way it's divided, but it works for now

This is my new *important, look at me, must do* area (Just made that name up, can you tell). White board has to-do-list for the day and grocery list, corkboard holds unpaid bills (yikes), important business cards and coupons. My calendar is to the right, it's obviously a 2011 one, oh well.

Today I had a job interview for part-time retail and I am really excited. I will share where if I get the position! Should know more next week. I guess you could sort of consider it a down-grade from the jobs I have held lately, but I have worked here in the past and it was my favorite job. I know it may seem silly to some of you, but this really is a little light at the end of my tunnel (I hope). Sometimes we get so far down and we have to crawl out of the pit in little baby steps. It would be perfect for my lifestyle and what I need right now, so please pray and for those who don't, send positive thoughts my way to get the job! Thank you!! I think my next big project for this weekend is getting my closet/clothes organized and putting the warmer clothes in the front. I love going through my closet, its like shopping. :-D I will leave you with a few shots of my loves:
She sees into my soul... at least directly into my bowl of food

Will work for food (meaning will work diligently at grabbing things off your face I want in my mouth)

Mean muggin'
But I can be adorable too
And perplexed
Enough posing, I just want to eat the tag

Happy Veterans Day and Happy Blogging!


Ashley said...

Such a sweet post! I love the pics of little Liam and I adore the picture of Fawna. It is such a great feeling to be organized!

<3 Ash

Mama Katie said...

Thanks Ash, you're too sweet! Fawna is a pain in my butt, spoiled little dog. But I adore her.

Shirley said...

I should try to get more organized. Also I love that rug with the drum set up!

Sandra said...

She sees into my soul... at least directly into my bowl of food....bwahahaha! That dog does have a piercing stare!
And your baby is edible..yum!
Loved all the pictures!