Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Mumblings

The past two days I have spent braving the mess that is my bills/filing cabinet. Who ever said having kids is expensive was sure right! I am really lucky to have parents who help me get through "rough patches" in my life. I guess I can't blame all of my debt on Liam, but anyway you look a it, its not pretty. I cleared everything out into piles and called to verify amounts and what exactly was owed. It wasn't as scary as I thought. One of my goals this week is to reorganize my filing cabinet and get everything in its proper place, so I know exactly what and who I owe and have already paid. Organizing is a pain in my butt, but it sure does make your life easier and you aren't letting it pile up on your mind. And with being a SAHM and going through a custody battle I don't need anymore weighing on my mind than I already have! I would love to hear your ideas for organizing bills/important papers! I hate that we have to keep so many records for taxes! I will post before and afters of that mess within the week. Wish me happy sorting!

On to other topics......

Does anyone else feel like we as a society are really pushing Christmas this year? Let me just say, I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday, by far. I cannot wait to spend the first Christmas with my little bean, but its early November! I don't understand why I am already being bombarded with Christmas commercials and displays and its not even close to Thanksgiving! This year is going to be a tight Christmas for me. Liam and I will probably only do Christmas pictures and cards. Lame-o, I know, but unfortunately there aren't many free gifts. I might do cookies or fudge too. Mostly because I want to eat it. Not like that is going to help my weight loss in any way. BTW, yes I am aware I haven't posted any Mandatory Measurement Monday blogs, I am such a slacker. I did weigh myself this morning and its still the same. If you see what I have been eating, you'd be surprised. Thank God for breastfeeding, but I don't have much longer to take advantage of that.

Anyway, speaking of eating, Liam used his highchair for the first time the other day! I really think he loves having his own chair at the table and a place to eat his food (and play with it). I know I am bias, but I can't get over how stinkin' cute he is.

I am waiting so patiently Mommy.

Now I can make a mess!

Have a great (and organized) day!

1 comment:

Toni Tralala said...

He is absolutely adorable! :)

People just love to plan ahead for Christmas! I don't want to be stuck in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping! PHEW!

This is precisely why my husband and I don't want a baby anytime soon. :))